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Grand Wild Dragon Plot

Grand Wild Dragon Plot

Getting rich is easy! All you need to do is steal the treasures of the great dragon while he floats in the clouds…

Trouble Arrives

In ancient China, everything was peaceful until a huge dragon appeared! This monster, coming from nowhere, burned entire villages with its fiery breath. Sometimes it attacked cities, but the guards fought it off, and the people living behind tall walls could sleep safely.

The dragon set fire to rice fields, herds grazing in the meadows, and small villages. Occasionally, it attacked wandering travelers, and sometimes it even destroyed entire groups of armed soldiers who were unlucky enough to cross its path.

When Good Cannot Defeat Evil

The Emperor ordered the dragon’s death, but the beast’s hide was too thick to kill it easily. When people tried to overpower it with numbers, the flying monster would simply fly away, leaving behind a storm of flames as a parting gift.

This fiery storm often burned a good portion of the soldiers who had hoped to make a legendary stand. Sadly, their fate was to be cooked alive and forgotten, their ambitions turned to ash.

Let There Be Peace!

Having lost all hope of defeating the cursed dragon, the Emperor decided to negotiate. The Lord of Heaven himself asked the beast to stop its destruction, which was causing suffering for thousands of people. By that time, the dragon had grown tired of pointless destruction, so it agreed to consider peace terms.

A few days later, the Emperor met with the dragon again. This time, the fire-breathing creature demanded ownership of Mount Fuxi and the surrounding lands, all the way to the Qin-Cao River. It was a large chunk of land! Despite the size, the Emperor agreed, waving his hand in resignation. It was better than constant war with the dragon, which had already caused great losses. Furthermore, the dragon never hesitated to enjoy roasted human flesh.

The Dragon’s City

The Emperor lent the dragon several thousand servants, who built a city for him. At the top of Mount Fuxi stood a huge golden palace, and at its base, shrines were erected.

The dragon demanded annual sacrifices. The Emperor was furious about this demand and refused to kill his people for the dragon’s amusement. After a brief argument, the dragon agreed to receive non-bloody sacrifices: gold, precious gems, and magical artifacts.

Evil Goes Away for Business

The dragon stopped attacking humans. After a few years, everyone had forgotten about the cursed creature, except for the Emperor’s close subjects, soldiers, and the families of those who perished in the inferno.

Every year, the Emperor’s courtiers brought gifts, and the dragon enjoyed his power. But one day, he flew away! Before disappearing, the dragon placed a special spell over his lands that heated the air to red-hot temperatures. As soon as someone stepped into the dragon’s territory, they would immediately turn to ash.

A Quest for the Dragon’s Gold

Of course, many treasure hunters tried to take the riches for themselves, but they all failed. Those who sought easy riches turned to dust, scattered by the wind.

Only one wise man named Xi Ku figured out that water magic could resist the fiery dragon. He was ready to set out in search of the dragon’s treasure, but he needed a good companion—it’s foolish to go on such a dangerous journey alone. Who knows what other surprises await travelers in the dragon’s lands? But one thing is certain—there are plenty of treasures waiting to be claimed!

Technical Specifications
Release Date:
From 97.16%
Minimum Bet:
10 coins
Maximum Bet:
100 coins
Max Win:
Bonus Buy:
Slot Theme:
Medieval China
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