Well, who asked for it?! And they went and stuck their little faces into poison, what silly kittens! But never mind, you will get rich…
The Cutie Went for a Walk
Once upon a time, there was a little white kitten who caused a storm of delight and an irresistible urge to pat its head – how can you pass by such a cutie! You have to be a heartless jerk, honestly. Sometimes, the owner would let their pet go for a walk, and the kitten would happily set off to explore the big world.
One day, the little white kitten wandered far from home. The fluffy one got tired and really wanted a drink. Just then, it stumbled upon a stream, glowing with a bright light. The kitten had heard something about a station, toxic waste, and other strange things when its owner’s parents discussed various matters. The owner’s father sighed, claiming everything would glow… but what does it matter to you, if you’re a cute kitten? Who cares about all that!
The Magic of the Green Light
The little kitten drank until the water was up to its throat. Looking at its reflection in the stream, it saw that it had turned green and was glowing too!
This filled the little fluffy one with indescribable delight! The kitten ran closer to home, intending to find its friends and show them the magical stream.
The Cat Traffic Light
Oh, how the little fluffy one surprised its friends! At first, they mistook it for an alien, and then, when they found out what had happened, they too wanted a bit of “magic.”
The green glowing kitten led three friends to that very stream. They all rushed to the water at once, eager to drink deeply and become magical…
Well, as they say, the dream of the clever ones came true! One turned orange, the second turned purple, and the third turned blue and started glowing too. Now all four kittens shimmered with different colored lights. After exchanging glances, they ran home, thinking about how surprised their owners would be.
Go Away!
That very evening, the green kitten became homeless: the owner’s parents kicked it out of the house, forbidding it to come anywhere near the home, even at a cannon’s distance. And if they saw it – they promised to feed it to the huge angry dog that sat on a chain in the yard. It turned out that the parents were strictly against radioactive animals in their home.
The green kitten, glowing in the dark, sadly trudged to its friend who lived next door. And then it turned out that it too had been kicked out of the house! It’s easy to guess what fate awaited the other “magical” kittens…
And Life Became Like a Dog’s…
The four “fireflies,” glowing in the dark, lay under a bush and began thinking about how to live on. At first, they pounced on the green kitten, but it too had suffered from the reckless idea. The kittens went wherever their eyes led them, hoping to find the meaning of a new life and purpose, or at least something to eat.
Finally, they found an old abandoned house, which many years ago had been a nightclub. Some equipment still remained! Although almost all the tech was out of order, the kittens still managed to find a few things useful for a good party. Besides, they themselves glowed brightly, so there were no problems with lighting – the new owners of the abandoned building just added some neon, because no decent club can do without it.
Come Party and Play!
Soon, the whole city knew what was happening in the abandoned building, and how could they not know, when a glowing sign appeared above the entrance with the words “Atomic Kittens.” Now the club had a new name.
And they say you can not only have a good time there, but also get some money. Check it out right now – maybe you’ll get lucky!