Unravel the mystery of Asgard’s stones and enter Valhalla!
Or at least help Mirdur—the brave Viking will reward you generously!
The Fearless Warrior
Mirdur traveled the world and fought dangerous monsters that inspired terror with just their appearance. The fearless warrior gathered an entire collection of trophies—few could boast such a collection!
Mirdur often left for long years. Sometimes, the Viking disappeared for three or four years, and once, he vanished for five years altogether!
To Hell with the Envious!
While the traveling hero explored the western mountains, battled a dragon, defeated an entire army of ogres, and accomplished a dozen more feats, his wife sat home alone. However, the cunning woman did not waste time in vain—rumors spread that many Vikings in the settlement were much more familiar with her than propriety and basic morality would allow.
Of course, Mirdur did not believe the vile gossip. He knew perfectly well that his beloved was faithful to him. And those who loved to wag their long tongues were simply jealous of the hero who married the most beautiful woman.
Where the Horns Grew From
After five years, Mirdur returned to his native settlement. His wife greeted him lovingly and showed him their son, whom he had conceived just before his departure. Overjoyed, Mirdur embraced the boy and thanked the gods for the addition to his family.
Later, when the hero examined the child more closely, studying his features, he realized that his gratitude should have been directed not toward Odin and the other Aesir but rather toward the neighbor who lived two houses away. At last, Mirdur understood how his beloved entertained herself while he was off exploring distant lands…
A Great Battle Approaches
A grand scandal erupted! At first, his wife tried to swear her fidelity to Mirdur, but her efforts were utterly unconvincing due to the small five-year-old proof standing beside her, chewing his nails.
Naturally, a true Viking could not forgive such a betrayal. Mirdur went to the neighbor, intending to punish him according to the full severity of Viking law, which allowed for an offender to be torn apart—but only in a fair fight. The scoundrel who had impregnated his wife accepted the challenge. They agreed to meet outside the settlement, near the northern gates.
The Cowardly Rat
Mirdur sharpened his sword as if he were preparing to slay a three-headed dragon. He dreamed of slicing the neighbor to pieces, as if the man were not human at all but an ordinary vegetable destined for a soup pot before disappearing into the belly of a true warrior.
The enraged husband waited for his opponent for more than fifteen minutes, hoping that he hadn’t chickened out and would still show up for the fight. Just as Mirdur cursed under his breath, an arrow pierced his back! The shameless neighbor had no intention of fighting honorably. The villain treacherously shot the true warrior, and with that, Mirdur’s earthly journey came to an end.
Let Me into Valhalla!
However, our hero did not die as a warrior, so the Valkyries did not come to take him to Valhalla. Mirdur had to make his own way to Asgard through the realm of the dead, fending off spirits and demons.
Arriving at the gates of the gods’ city, the hero knocked with all his might. Thor himself came out and curiously asked what the hell he wanted there. Mirdur recounted his feats and asked to be let into Valhalla to feast eternally with Odin and the other gods.
Thor listened to Mirdur. The wielder of the most powerful hammer in the world ordered the Viking to solve the riddle of Asgard’s magical stones. If he succeeded in this task, then so be it—Thor would let him into Valhalla, where he could befriend the gods and feast with them for all eternity.
Help Mirdur enter Asgard! When he enters the city of the gods, he will surely bring you a whole cauldron of gold!