A millionaire can offer a beauty many things, like a whole mountain of diamonds. Want to take them for yourself? Then let’s go!
In Search of a Wealthy Husband
Rosa dreamed of marrying rich, so she often attended expensive events where the world’s elite gathered. Of course, she didn’t frequent nightclubs. Rosa preferred high-society events—premium-class gatherings, so to speak.
The cunning schemer presented herself as a fashion designer, a stylist, or someone else who could seem successful yet not too famous. Think of someone like Dolce & Gabbana—known to everyone by name, but only a select few would recognize them by sight.
Every Woman’s Dream
At one such charity gala, Rosa met an oil tycoon named Michael, who fell head over heels for her. But the sly enchantress decided to play hard to get, making herself seem unattainable to avoid being lumped in with the dozens of other women throwing themselves at him.
Rosa accepted the wealthy gentleman’s advances cautiously, never refusing outright. It all began with dinner dates at the finest restaurants in town—places Rosa could never have afforded herself. Later, she lamented about her landlord, claiming he had refused to renew her lease. Without hesitation, Michael rented her a suite in a luxurious hotel, paying for the entire year in advance.
Expensive Jewelry
The suitor frequently gifted Rosa with jewelry. She accumulated three sets of earrings, a couple of necklaces, and five rings. Each piece was adorned with massive diamonds—selling just one would have been enough to feed starving children in some African country! But fate decided these jewels were better suited to adorn the ambitious madam who worked tirelessly to sell her “mystique”—and other parts of her body—for as high a price as possible.
A Round-the-World Trip
One day, Rosa hinted that the usual courting rituals had grown stale—it was time to spice up her life, perhaps with some travel. Michael immediately suggested a round-the-world tour for his lady love. He handed her a travel guide, and Rosa marked off the countries she had “already visited.” In reality, she hadn’t been to any of them, but her high-society persona demanded she keep up appearances.
A couple of days later, the pair set off on their journey. Rosa visited Europe, Asia, the Nordic countries, and many other corners of the globe. The trip lasted just over three months.
Not Easily Impressed…
Upon their return home, Michael proposed to Rosa. She almost said yes but asked her suitor to prove his reliability first. Her condition? Two hundred fifty thousand diamonds!
In truth, Rosa hoped Michael would back out. But if he didn’t, perhaps he really was her destiny…
Where to Find Cheaper Diamonds
Fortunately for Michael, he knew reliable people who worked in diamond mines and had ways of sneaking stones out through… let’s say “creative” methods. Buying from them was far cheaper than going through official channels.
Reasoning that diamonds, like money, have no scent, Michael shelled out for 250,000 small stones. The sum was so immense that discussing it in public would have been outright indecent.
An Inglorious End
Once Rosa received the diamonds, she already owned her own house—naturally bought with Michael’s money. Counting the stones, she finally decided to say “yes.”
But as she descended the staircase from the second floor, Rosa slipped, broke her neck, and ended her life in the most unexpected way possible.
So What?
Well, who cares about her? We’ve got an opportunity here! There’s a window into her fortune. Just press the button and try to grab those 250,000 diamonds—or loads of cash!